What is a Foster Home?
Foster homes are fundamental to our animal shelter as they enable us to take in more animals in need of our help. Being a foster home means temporarily welcoming a dog, cat, or other animal into your home until a permanent adoption family is found. It offers a home, time, and affection to those in urgent need, such as a puppy, a newborn kitten that needs to be bottle-fed, an orphan undergoing veterinary treatment, or an older animal. Our goal is to find a forever family for the animal through adoption.
Benefits for the foster family: It can provide an initial experience with an animal before deciding on adoption. Additionally, you can gain experience, give and receive love and affection, and offer a warm home to those in need.
Benefits for the animal: It has the opportunity to live in a proper home where it receives love and warmth from a family. It will feel more secure and learn the routines of a family. Furthermore, it has the chance for social interaction with humans and often with other animals. Its recovery from trauma due to abandonment, abuse, fear, or other negative experiences will be much faster. And who knows? Love may blossom, and it may become a true family member through adoption.
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