We were able to take over the little male, weighing just 2.8 kg, in November in a really neglected and sick condition. Thank goodness he didn’t have to come to our shelter, but could move directly to Brigitte and Oliver, a wonderful foster home, here on the island. There the little man could slowly recover, regain confidence and his strength. His left eye had to be removed from a previously untreated severe inflammation. But the little fighter did a great job. By chance, Brigitte’s sister-in-law in Belgium fell in love with the little fellow, all the time there was a lively interaction – more and more every day. So of course you didn’t have to think twice. So in January Jack drove with ‘Dogs on Road’ towards his ultimate happiness. And so everything remains in the family 😁.

Little Jack received a warm welcome and he fits perfectly into his new family. We are very happy and wish you a great time together …