Fosterhome for Scott
The sentence “Nothing has happened so far for our senior dog Scott” from my last post can now be changed to “SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED for our dear senior dog Scott … We still can’t really believe it ourselves and I have to look at the photos again and again . Because this morning I was allowed to bring our Scott to his new (foster) home here on the island. To Beate and her great pack, consisting of Mo (also already from us), Bambi and Luna.
Two days ago, Beate called me and asked if there was still nothing for the poor chap. She couldn’t get him out of her head for a long time. No – nothing had happened yet; absolutely nothing . And then the decision was quickly made for Beate. Where there’s room for 3 dogs, there’s room for a fourth – especially in such a special case as Scott. Then they all snuggle up together for a bit . And so this morning we were able to set off across the island to his new foster home.
And even our Scott couldn’t really believe it at first when 3 super-lovely and open dog buddies, including Beate, approached him and immediately welcomed him into their home. And now Scott is already lying in the middle of his new friends and relaxed, having already done 2 laps with all of them through the large and above all flat garden. Tonight our Scott will definitely sleep really well again – like he hasn’t for a long time. Many thanks dear Beate for the great opportunity you have given our senior dog. Now he no longer needs to fear the cold and damp island winter. Scott can now really settle – and that is the most important thing for him
Please help us once again to find a sponsor to cover further medical care and the costs of his special food.